

Workforce flexibility and compensation: Staffing agencies attempt to simply add headcount to alleviate workforce pressure, without a solid understanding of what the customer is trying to accomplish. Daystar’s focus is providing our customers with an Incentive pay-based structure for our associates, along with a flexible workforce. This Increases productivity and allows the customers’ employees to remain focused on adding value to their company.

Unloading and Palletizing Services:

Experienced, trained, insured reliable labor, for freight handling and warehousing services. More than just a lumper service, we offer a full range of warehousing and yard management services with on-site managed, OSHA-trained and certified associates. We believe that warehouse services, especially the loading and unloading process, is our core competence. Our primary focus is to raise these services to the same efficient and reliable level as other phases of your business. We are your labor partner.

 Our selecting/ picking

Services are uniquely designed to satisfy the requirements of each operation with incentive compensated associates. Daystar offers picking service that combines three key aspects: speed, accuracy, and safety.

Equipment operations:

Daystar offers OSHA certified equipment operators in handling any type of freight using any make/model of equipment. Our operators are trained on equipment that is specific to your facility: You re-certify our first trainer and we train all our associates from that point forward.